Mollakara Health Resort
Balkanabat Mollakara Health Resort
Mollakara Health Resort is situated about 24 km outskirt of Balkanabat. This region of Turkmenistan is well-known for its healing mud and mineral healing waters. Mollakara Health Resort opened in 1922, and today it has evolved into a modern complex which includes an area of about33 hectares and can fit more than 800 guests at the same time.
Today the resort offers treatment services for many diseases, including diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and gynaecological ones. It is believed that the silt mud and the brine of Lake Mollakara possess healing properties. Besides, treatment is done using hot Garagum sand and hot stones as well as physiotherapy methods.
Furthermore, the facilities at Mollakara include a medical-diagnostic building, a beauty salon, a hotel, a medical-rehabilitation center, and a children’s department. Additional amenities include a library, internet café, restaurant, shops, amphitheater, beauty salon, pool, bathhouse, sauna, and sports halls. The mollakara resort is a hub of health tourism in Turkmenistan due to its natural resources and extended facilities.