What to do in Kazakhstan


Visit Almaty

Visit Almaty, the former capital and the largest city of Kazakhstan, well known for its fountains, parks and museums. Explore the assortment of the main market like Zelyonyy Bazar (Green Market). In addition, moving off from the Almaty city and you get into the kingdom of magnificent mountains and beautiful lakes like Medeo and Big Almaty Lake

Hike to Kolsai Lakes

Kolsai National Park is the haven for nature lovers and it is the perfect place to hike. The three lakes are nestled in jewel green forests below the striking background of the soaring and snow-capped Tien Shan mountains.  

Discover the historical city Turkistan

Discover one of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan that dates back to more than 1500 years ago called Turkestan. It is a Silk Road town located in the South region of Kazakhstan. The city contains the most impressive monuments and most important pilgrimage sites of Kazakhstan like the Timurid Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Aassaui. 

Watch a space launch in Baikonur

Visit the legendary spot in the history of space travel Baikonur Cosmodrome. Here rest the footsteps of Yuri Gagarin, he lifted off to become the first man in space. Baikonur is a little Russian enclave inside Kazakhstan and a restricted military domain. 

Explore Mangyshlak's Sacred Caves

Mangystau has many cemeteries, mosques and places of pilgrimage and it is the reason why Mangyshlak is considered a holy and sacred land within Kazakhstan. In Mangystau you will find hundreds of necropolises in addition to “underground mosques”, which are always coupled with a tomb of a saint and huge cemeteries. 

Visit rock art sites in the Almaty region

Visit a World Heritage site, Tamgaly Tash and Tamgaly to learn about the ancient petroglyphs. Tamgaly Tas and Tamgaly petroglyphs are two different archeological rock art sites located close to each other in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan. 

Each of them displays differing historical, cultural and stylistic periods in rock carving art. Tamgaly Tas is a smaller and more recent petroglyph site by the Ili River which mainly contains Buddhist gods in contrast Tamgaly petroglyphs holding the tracks of the evolution of human culture depicting mostly animals and people from the lot earlier historical time. 

Fish in Balkhash lake

Balkhash is a favorite lake of the fishermen, they come all around the country, there are more than 20 species of fish are found in the lake. . For fishermen on the coast provided several fishing bases where they can stay in guesthouses. You can also ride a boat on the lake and go surfing. Balkhash is a warm lake, the water temperature in the summer rises to 28 ° C. 

Interested in dark tourism?
Learn about Kazakh Gulag in Dolinka

The museum displayed the details of the period of political repression and the system of GuLag in Kazakhstan (KarLag) through a great exhibition with explanations in English and Russian. One of the largest branches of the GULAG (State Administration of Camps) during the period of massive political repression.

Climb to Belukha mountain, the highest peak of Altai mountains

The most recognizable object of the Katon Karagai National Park is Mount Belukha. The highest point of Altai and Siberia that lies on the border between Kazakhstan and Russia reaches 4506m. The foot area is rich in scenic rivers, lakes, and plants. Belukha is considered to be a sacred mountain peak for many indigenous peoples of the Altai.

Take pictures of the famous Swing flying in the Peak Furmanov near​ Almaty

Peak Furmanov is a popular place among Almaty residents Southeast from Almaty inside the Ile-Alatau national park and Northeast from Shymbulak. Many come here to take pictures of the famous Swing flying in the air together with the view of the mountains in the background. 

Page updated 1.2.2022

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