Kazakhstan Sights and

Destinations & Sights

Mountain peaks covered with snow, vast steppe, deep rivers and gorges, parched deserts, endless fields covered with flowers and virgin forest reserves. Kazakhstan is a huge country and has it all from dry deserts to high mountains and big cities to large lakes and an access to the Caspian Sea as well. Kazakh destinations and sights also include old cultural and different religional related places to explore. Don’t try to see everything at once as the destinations can be quite overwhelming from time to time and there is a lot to see. If your time is limited, we recommend to start from the Almaty region.

Almaty region Destinations

Almaty region is the place to start exploring Kazakhstan. It offers most of Kazakhstan in a smaller version including all from culture to nature destinations and also being nearby Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan making it easier to check the Uzbek ancient cities and the nomadic life with yurts in Kyrgyzstan. Almaty is still the most metropolitan city of Kazakhstan even with Astana being the capital and works as a perfect base for trips in the region offering a variety of services and different priced accommodations. 

South Kazakhstan Destinations

South Kazakhstan is culturally close to Uzbekistan and has been in history part of the Southern kingdoms that ruled in the area. The area has the best preserved ancient cities in Kazakhstan with the muslim type mausoleums and other religious buildings. South Kazakhstan also offers great nature destinations especially for bird lovers.

West Kazakhstan Destinations

Western Kazakhstan is the region most nearest to the Caspian sea with rich cities living from oil industry and dry inland areas. The best destination of West Kazakhstan is by far the Mangyshlak Peninsula with amazing geological formations and the ancient mosques. Uralsk is mostly a Russian type city. 

North Kazakhstan Destinations

North Kazakhstan is a place where the landscape starts to slowly change from dry steppe into more wet area with forests and lakes. In addition to Astana, the posh capital of Kazakhstan, the area offers several natural wonders and industrial cities mostly living from mining and metallurgy.

East Kazakhstan Destinations

East Kazakhstan is located at the foot of the famous Altai mountains with mountain lakes and valleys to be explored. Other major attractions in the area are nature reserves and the lake Markakol. Semipalatinsk is the place for dark tourism lovers.

Central Kazakhstan Destinations

Central Kazakhstan is a mostly dry steppe area with some mountains. The main city in the area is Karaganda and the area is mostly known for industrial cities and nature destinations. Another peculiar but popular sight in the area is the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Page updated 9.3.2023

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