Tosor Pass

Tosor Pass

Tosor (or Tossor) pass lies at an altitude of 3893 m above sea level over the ranges of Terskey Ala-Too. It is located in the Tong district in the northern Tian Shan mountains in Eastern Kyrgyzstan and connects the southern coast of Issyk-Kul to Naryn oblast and is one of the highest mountain roads in Kyrgyzstan. There is also a gorge with the same name leading to the Kichi-Naryn valley and the Naryn region southwest from the pass. In the Issyk kul side the Tosor pass connects to the main road between Karakol and Balykchi, just east from the Fairytale canyon.

Glacier near Tosor pass
Waterfall near the Tosor pass

Nature in the desolate Tosor gorge is very diverse and the mountains are covered with thickets of conifers. The lower part of the gorge narrows very sharply, forming picturesque rocky canyons and the Tossor river flows here creating cascades and forming small waterfalls along the road following the river. This part of Tosor gorge is full of sea-buckthorn and other vegetation and at the very top, near the vegetation border and near the glaciers, there are very peculiar high altitude plants. After passing the highest point from the Issyk Kul direction, you can get to the Jyluu-Suu hot springs and Teshik-Kul lake. 

It should be noted that the road is only accessible by a rugged 4×4 vehicle and we recommend to have an experience driver with you when going for the Tosor pass and especially after the Tosor pass, on the Naryn side where you need to cross some rivers with large boulders. The valley behind the pass (from Issyk Kul direction) is very beautiful with green grass everywhere and few white yurts dotting the scenery.

Tosor pass with peculiar high altitude flowers
Crossing a river near the Tosor pass

Teshik Kol Lake & Zhyluu Suu hot spring

Teshik Kol (or Teshik Kul) Lake is situated about 38 km from the Bokonbaev village, in the end of Karakaman valley at an altitude of 3500 m. 

Teshik-Kul is divided into two parts, which are linked by a small river with alike small waterfall. You can get to the lake through the pass Zhalpak-Bel (3300 m.) pass from the west or through the pass Ton (4020 m.) from the east, not far from the road leading to the Tosor pass

On the way to the lake, you can meet nomads living in their summer pastures with yurts and if you are lucky, you can try some fresh kymyz.

Teshik Kol lake

The Zhyluu Suu (or Jyluu Suu) hot springs are near the Teshik Kol lake. The springs are enclosed inside confined concrete buildings. As always with hot springs, it is said that that swimming in the spring has some health benefits. This spring is for sure one of the least visited in Kyrgyzstan due to its remote location. 

Sights & destinations near Tosor Pass

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