Kyrgyzstan Horse tours
Horse Tours in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyztan is the ideal destination for horse riding tours. Kyrgyz horses are commonly small as they are adapted to the mountainous landscapes and are well behaving even with people who are beginners with horse riding. Kyrgyzstan is full of amazing horseback riding routes in different parts of the country. The tour lengths start just from 1-2 days up to even several weeks and there are different terrain types, landscapes and difficulty levels fulfilling all the possible horse tour desires.

Kyrgyz horseback tours are often coupled with yurt accommodation where one can get a glimpse of the nomad life that is still very lively in Kyrgyzstan. Horse tours can be arranged in every season but the best seasons in general are the spring and summer, the latter one especially in the higher routes.
Kyrgyz country side is full of horses and during April – May the pastures are filled with newcomers, the newborn foals that are being taken care by their mares. In general Kyrgyz horses are small in size which helps them to survive in the sometimes harsh Kyrgyz mountain environment.
If the tours offered below do not meet your needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will gladly organize a tailored horse tour for you in Kyrgyzstan or combine your Kyrgyzstan horse tour with the neighboring Stans.
Kyrgyzstan winter horse Riding tours
Kyrgyzstan horseback riding tours
Basic rules for horse riding Tours in Kyrgyzstan
First of all, if you are a beginner, never go riding without an escort. Although it is possible to rent horses without a guide, we strongly advise you to always go riding with a guide or a “horseman”. The Kyrgyz people start riding from a very early age, so they know the terrain and their horses extremely well. As a beginner, it is vital to be accompanied by at least one person who knows horses. When it comes to the tours for beginners, it is better to start with the shorter tours.
Kyrgyz travel agencies don’t always provide protective equipment, such as riding helmets, as they are expensive and are not used by the locals. In fact you will most likely never see a local wearing a helmet while riding. Central Asia Guide on the other hand only uses horse services that provide the necessary safety equipment.
If you plan on spending more than 3 days riding, it might be a good idea to invest in a pair of good riding trousers to protect you from the worst bottom pain. Wear closed toed, high-cut shoes. If it rains, you may want to wear a raincoat. Be careful though, because some horses are bothered by the rubbing sound that raincoat material makes. To prevent your horse from breaking into a gallop while you are on its back, we recommend that you dismount to wear or to remove your raincoat.
Insurance for Kyrgyz horse tours
Do not go horse trekking in Kyrgyzstan without a travel insurance. Horses are unpredictable, as is the Kyrgyz mountain terrain (marmot holes, slippery roads and stones etc.). As a result, there is always the risk of accident when on horseback no matter how experienced rider you are. It is therefore best to be insured in order to cover for the possible medical care costs on site or if repatriation becomes necessary.
Please also make sure that your insurance covers horseback riding related accidents if you plan to participate on a tour including this activity. It is also worth mentioning here that one should always have travel insurance while traveling in Kyrgyzstan or other Central Asian countries with our without horseback riding.
Quick guide on horseback riding in Kyrgyzstan
Even if you have never been horse riding, don’t be afraid. Kyrgyz horses are very calm and relatively small. If a horse is nervous, its owner will not let you ride with it. The next three paragraphs are what is considered as the quick guide on horseback riding in Kyrgyzstan that you will also receive at the beginning of any Kyrgyz horse tour.
1. Never let go of the reins. Pull gently on the right to turn right, or gently on the left to turn left. To stop, pull down on the reins sharply and say “tak tak”, which means “easy does it”. If you pull up, the horse is likely to rear up and kick (standing up on its two back legs!). If you wish to go faster, say “chu”. A gentle kick in the horse’s side can also get the horse going faster if the word alone does not do the trick.
2. Keep you feet in the stirrups but do not put your feet fully inside the stirrups to make sure to keep your balance if the horse moves suddenly. Keep only the tip of your feet in the stirrups so that the rest is free. The reason for this is simple: if you fall, your foot may stay stuck in one of the stirrups, and that can be very dangerous. (It might also start hurting your leg during a longer ride.)
3. If you want to go faster by trotting or a gallop, you can give your horse a sharp little kick with your heel on its side and yell, “shoot shoot”, which means “faster”. If the horse doesn’t listen, you can give it a little slap on its behind.
4. Sit straight and centered.
Once in the saddle, your belly button should align with the mane, the line of hair on the horse’s neck. If you are off to one side, straighten up. Carrying your weight lopsided is difficult for your horse, and throws you both off balance. If your saddle seems crooked, step hard on one stirrup and tug the saddle towards the center. If you are unable to shift it, or uncomfortable trying, one of the guides will be happy to help.
5. Don’t let the horse eat. The most common misbehavior, eating on the trail is a nuisance for you and everyone else. The horsemen make sure the horses have enough grazing time every day and there is no need for them to snack while you are in the saddle. Given the choice, your horse would prefer an all-day picnic to an all-day ride. If your horse is trying to eat, pull its head away from food, give it a firm kick, and keep going.
6. Going uphill, lean forward, going downhill, lean back.
7. Be mindful of everyone’s welfare. If you are an experienced rider, keep in mind that others in the group, especially children, may not be. If you ride your horse near theirs at a fast pace or in an excited state, their animals will want to join in. Don’t run through cultivated fields or housing areas where children or pets may be at play and don’t disturb herds of animals that are grazing unless you have permission from the shepherd.
In general, the more authoritative your behaviour and voice are, the better the horse will obey you.
Page updated 20.5.2023