Tour to Kel Suu Lake

5 Days Kel Suu Lake Tour



Kel – Suu is a high-altitude lake, located at 3514 meters above sea level. It is one of the remotest and newest destinations that are becoming popular among travelers . Having distinct turquoise colors, the lake is thought to be formed due to an earthquake and the following landslides.

Located on the border with China, visiting the lake needs a special border permit. It is necessary to apply for a border permit in advance one week before which we will take care of for you. The distance from Bishkek to the lake is 470 km.

5 Days Kel Suu Lake Tour
5 Days Kel Suu Lake Tour


Meeting at Bishkek Manas International Airport. Transfer to the hotel, check-in. Resting time. Lunch. Walking around the city. Dinner.

Departure from Bishkek to Naryn. Lunch at Boom Gorge. On the way we will visit the Konorchok Gorge (4h trip). We will have a nice walking to the canyons. 

Accommodation in a hotel. Resting time. 

Drive to Kel-Suu. Horseback riding activities, excursion around the lake. 

Spend the night in Kel-Suu Yurt camp (3-4 pax per yurt).

Long driving day to Bishkek. Resting time in a hotel.

Transfer to the airport. End of service.


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Tour updated 1.1.2022

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